Beyond Temptation

The Mission of Beyond Temptations is to motivate others to reach their full potential and to assure a successful journey to reach their set goals. Beyond Temptation assist the client with effective tools to avoid and overcome obstacles and rise above temptations that are in the way of progress along their journey. Beyond Temptation provides self-esteem building, motivational tools, determination, accountability, and most of all successful outcomes. We pride our clients on being a motivation to others.

Categories: Community ServicesLife CoachMinority OwnedWomen Owned

Tags: Life CoachWomen Owned

Black Professionals’ Network of Jonesboro

Our Mission is to create networking opportunities and create community presence in the Jonesboro area.

The Black Professionals’ Network of Jonesboro is a diverse group of professionals established to make the Jonesboro area the ideal place for people of color to:

Live: Provide networking opportunities.
Learn: Provide and promote leadership and professional development.
Lead: Promote community service initiatives.
Link: Develop strategic partnerships that impact our community.

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Categories: Black/African OwnedCommunity ServicesMinority OwnedNonprofit Organization

Tags: Networking

P. O. Box 1673, State University

Jonesboro, Arkansas 72467 
